The Concept of Indigenous Peoples in Asia: A Resource Book

Christian Erni (2008)

This collection of essays serves as a guide in exploring Indigeneity and minority groups in Asia. Drawing from a rich tapestry of history, anthropology, legal studies, and Indigenous studies, these essays provide valuable insights for anyone seeking a deeper understanding on Indigenous Asia。

The Cold War, the San Francisco System, and Indigenous peoples.

Scott Harrison (2015)

In K. Hara (Ed.), The San Francisco System and Its Legacies (pp. 203–219)

This book examines the themes that played a pivotal role in shaping Indigenous identities in Japan and Taiwan, thus shedding light on the intricate dynamics of Indigenous history during the transformative era of the Cold War.

The emergence of Indigeneity: Public intellectuals and an Indigenous space in Southwest China

Michael Hathaway (2010)

This discussion delves into the realm of Indigenous identities in China through the lens of environmentalism. Hathaway offers a deep exploration into how environmental concerns in China reshape the way we perceive identity and belonging.

The colonial annexation of Okinawa and the logic of international law: the formation of an ‘indigenous people’ in East Asia

Hideaki Uemura (2003)

This analysis delves into the annexation of Okinawa and the formation of the Japanese nation-state, placing a spotlight on the Indigenous Ainu and how their Indigenous identity has developed over time.

The Ainu Group at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904

James W. Vanstone (1993)

A historical account of the nine Ainu individuals who were brought from Hokkaido to participate in the ‘Living Group Exhibit’ at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition.

This historical chronicle recounts the fascinating journey of nine Ainu individuals who were brought from Hokkaido to be part of the ‘Living Group Exhibit’ at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. In unveiling their unique experiences, this article sheds light on a lesser-known chapter of Indigenous Ainu history.

Once were Maoists: Third World currents in Fourth World anti-colonialism, Vancouver, 1967–1975

Glen Sean Coulthard (2020)

In this chapter, Coulthard dives into the history of Red Power by exploring the political endeavours of a group called the Native Alliance for Red Power (NARP), which was formed by Indigenous activists in Vancouver from 1967 to 1975.

Brotherhood to Nationhood: George Manuel and the Making of the Modern Indian Movement.

Doreen Manuel & Peter McFarlane (2020)

George Manuel (1920-1989) laid the foundation for what would become the Assembly of First Nations and served as inaugural president of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples. This book takes you on a journey spanning three decades of unwavering activism for Indigenous rights.

The Fourth World: An Indian Reality

George Manuel & Michael Posluns (2018)

With forward by Vine Deloria Jr., introduction by Glen Sean Coulthard, and afterword by Doreen Manuel.

In this book, Manuel and Posluns pioneer the concept of the ‘fourth world’ to describe the unique position of Indigenous nations within settler-colonial nation states. The book offers a compelling historical record, following Indigenous activism and organising across Canada.

Epilogue. In Bobbi Lee: Indian Rebel

Lee Maracle (1990)

In her raw autobiography, the late Lee Maracle (formerly Bobbi Lee) shares the story of her life as an Indigenous woman who came of age in Vancouver during the 1960s and 1970s. In the epilogue, she recounts her trip to China as part of the Native People’s Friendship Delegation.

Canada's Other Red Scare: Indigenous Protest and Colonial Encounters During the Global Sixties

Scott Rutherford (2020)

Rutherford delves into the world of Indigenous political protest in the early 1960s and early 1970s, which was inspired by Black struggles in the US and decolonization in the Southern Hemisphere.

As We Have Always Done: Indigenous Freedom Through Radical Resistance

Leanne Betasamosake Simpson (2017)

In this book, Simpson reveals the incredible place-based political resurgence of Indigenous nations, where Indigenous ideas are used to make powerful impacts in thinking, writing, and organizing.

Hokkaidō 150: Settler colonialism and Indigeneity in modern Japan and beyond

Tristan R. Grunow, Fuyubi Nakamura, Katsuya Hirano, Mai Ishihara, Ann-Elise Lewallen, Sheryl Lightfoot, & Tomoe Yahata (2019)

This roundtable discussion sheds light on the overlooked impact of Japanese colonization on the Indigenous Ainu. Participants challenge conventional narratives and explore the diversity of Indigenous experiences in modern Japan.

Tides of dispossession: Property in militarized land and the coloniality of military base conversion in Okinawa

Daniel Iwama (2021)

Iwama explores the transformation of former military sites in Okinawa, Japan, providing insights into how planning intersects with colonial histories and militarism.

The red Atlantic: American Indigenes and the making of the modern world, 1000-1927

Jace Weaver (2014)

Jace Weaver’s book highlights the journeys of Indigenous peoples across the Atlantic, exploring how these stories have shaped world history and re-enforced Indigenous sovereignty.

Indigenous London: Native travelers at the heart of empire.

Coll-Peter Thrush (2016)

Historian Coll Thrush uncovers London’s city history through the eyes of the Indigenous people who travelled there. This totally new narrative reveals how Indigenous peoples have played a key role in creating the London we know today.

The world and all the things upon it: Native Hawaiian geographies of exploration

David A. Chang (2016)

David A. Chang’s book explores how Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian people) shape their place in the world. In exploring themes of travel, sexuality, spirituality, and more, Chang provides a unique perspective on imperialism and colonialism.

Additional Resources
A Global History of Indigenous Peoples: Struggle and Survival

Ken S. Coates (2004)

A Higher Authority: Indigenous Transnationalism and Australia

Ravi de Costa (2006)

Asian Settler Colonialism: From Local Governance to the Habits of Everyday Life in Hawaii

Candace Fujikane & Jonathan Y. Okamura (2008)

Beyond Red Power: American Indian Politics and Activism since 1900
Daniel M. Cobb & Loretta Fowler (2007)
Empire’s haunted logics: comparative colonialisms and the challenges of incorporating indigeneity
Danika Medak-Saltzman (2015)
Fourth World Wars: Indigenous Nationalism and the Emergence of the New International Political Order
Rudolph Rÿser (1985)
Global Indigenous Politics: A Subtle Revolution

Sheryl Lightfoot (2016)

Indigenous Cosmopolitans: Transnational and Transcultural Indigeneity in the Twenty-First Century

Maximilian C. Forte (2010)

Indigenous Networks: Mobility, Connections and Exchange

Jane Carey (2014) edited by Jane Lydon

“Indigenous Peoples” as an International Legal Concept

Benedict Kingsbury (1995)

Inuit diplomacy in the global ERA: The strengths of multilateral internationalism

Frances Abele & Thierry Rodon (2007)

Japan’s Ainu Minority in Tokyo: Diasporic Indigeneity and Urban Politics

Mark K. Watson (2014)

Maori activism across borders, 1950-1980s: a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Massey University (Manawatu Campus), New Zealand

Linda Johnson (2015)

Native Activism in Cold War America: Struggles for Sovereignty

Daniel M. Cobb (2008)

Once Were Pacific: Māori Connections to Oceania
Alice Te Punga Somerville (2012)
Our History is the Future: Standing Rock versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance

Nick Estes (2019)

Red Nations: The transatlantic relations of the American Indian radical sovereignty movement in the late Cold War

Gyorgy Ferenc Toth (2012)

The Transit of Empire: Indigenous Critiques of Colonialism

Jodi A. Byrd (2011)

The UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations

Douglas Sanders (1989)

Wider Horizons: Indigenous Australians Abroad and the Limits of Global Activism
Jon Piccini (2016)

El descubrimiento de Europa: Indígenas y mestizos en el Viejo Mundo

Esteban Mira Caballos (2023)

Media Activism in the Red Power Movement

Miranda J. Brady (2020)

Mapping the Americas: The Transnational Politics of Contemporary Native Culture

Shair M. Huhndorf (2009)

Public Expressions of First Nations Protest in Canada’s Sixties

Brian Warren (2020)